Friday, September 9, 2016

Laughter & Spit Up

It's 5:30 in the morning & I'm walking baby back to bed when he spits up all over me, himself & then a huge splash sounds on our hardwood floors. And I cannot stop laughing. Neither can he.

I'm looking into the biggest toothless grin he's made yet & the coos are starting. It hits me that this is going to be a wonderful day.

I clean us up, clean the floor (after being shocked one of our dogs didn't snatch that delicious treat right up), feed baby once more & put him back to bed where he chats with himself before falling  asleep. Then I take out my phone & start writing. I want to remember this moment, a messier one but a moment nonetheless.

I sometimes forget in between the mad dash to get work done, keep the house clean & run errands that this is life. It is crazy wonderful, including the spit up.

Today will be filled with some quality Aunt time, a play group at the library, visit with great grandfather, a bank run, a stop at Michael's craft store & all that before Grandma stops by later on to give me a rest.  We are so blessed to live near as much family as we do. It keeps my heart full & there's no shortage of fun times for Cooper.

So on this wonderful day, as the sunrise is starting to peek through the shades, I want to remember that it started with laughter & spit up, & I wouldn't have it any other way.

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