Friday Favorites was meant to start the first Friday after launching Loughs in Love until... we took a last minute trip up to the Cape! Literally one of those decide 18 hours ahead of time and pray for an opening at doggy daycare kind of trips.
So Friday Favorites is happening on Wednesday this week and I couldn't be more excited to share this AMAZING Grilled Lemon Garlic Zucchini recipe by Damn Delicious. We tried it hot & cold, fantastic both ways, then brought a huge container full to a party only to turn around 10 minutes later & see it completely gone!!
Of course we also had to share some vacation pics...
Hubs did some amazing research before this trip & found the Hyanis HyArts Shanties. It's a handful of the cutest sheds you've ever seen in your life packed with handmade jewelry, paintings & a gorgeous letterpress card of the Cape by Joyce Sullivan that came home with us.
Then the first full vacation day started with a sunrise bike ride in North Truro. Breathtaking views from the beach and we saw a pair of seals popping up in between the waves. Truly one of my all time favorite life moments.
The rest of the time was filled with grilling, camping fun, the LONGEST bike ride I've been on to date (6 miles woohoo), yummy taffy in Provincetown and climbing the Pilgrim Monument (talk about a work out). Loved absolutely every second of this trip & can't wait until next Summer to go back.
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