Our sweet little boy is growing so fast. Half of me wants time to slow & the other half can't even contain herself with all these amazing milestones going on. I swear every day there's a small change & every few weeks there's a huge one.
Speaking of- Coops is officially on the move, rolling over for THE FIRST TIME at 10 weeks!! He went twice from back to stomach & I cried happy tears both times. We haven't had a full roll since, just lots of half rolls & kicks to get there but it seems every big milestone Cooper hits he'll do a couple of times, then nothing for a week or two followed by non-stop.
Along with the rolling came a lot more wiggles that have him going in circles on the play mat & starting to move toward toys or four-legged friends that he wants to play with.
Plus we've started grabbing like crazy- holding on to everything from toys to pinching my arms while I breastfeed (nursing necklace recommendations anyone??) to grabbing hair. That last one, combined with the postpartum hair loss that started last week, may be my least favorite. I swear there's a couple of my hairs in his little fist at least half the time I look down. Which makes me panic over my hair thinning & laugh at the same time with how cute Coops is with a fist full of red curls & that giant toothless smile on his face.
Post rollover smiles :) |
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