We've taken Coops to a couple of smaller fairs, during which he fell asleep both times. But this past Friday we decided to risk taking him in public during bewitching hour (think a pint sized version of Jekyll meets Hyde) & head one town over from us to the Guilford Fair.
The weather was amazing- one of those end of summer air is crisp kind of nights. So hubs & I broke out the long sleeves & Coops got to wear one of his new sweatshirts that I ordered a couple of weeks back <3 <3
And then... bewitching hour never came. We did everything from eating fried dough to meeting farm animals to watching the clowns. It was one of those perfect never forget it kind of nights & then the little darling fell asleep on the walk back to the car (#thatsmykindofnight).
We got home & Coops slept right through my getting him ready for bed, which is definitely on my list of top ten cutest things baby does, & in the crib he went to dream about all those farm animals.
Next up- I'm on the hunt for a Punkin Chunkin event in the CT area- anyone know of any??
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