By now you know we're huge readers around here, & I had to share these new books we've gathered up since last month's Favorite Reads. With summer winding down (sniff sniff) we're enjoying every possible minute reading outside until it gets too chilly. My new goal is to get Cooper's reading nook finished by the holidays (fingers crossed).
I recognized the cover of this as soon as I saw it in the bookstore. With the contrasting black & white pictures Coops was riveted the first time we read it. And we've already sat down twice reading aloud with our own dogs on each side.
I wasn't a fan of this book growing up. There I said it, feel free to throw stones. But my husband was, so having a little boy I decided to give it another go & fell in love. Plus Coops is captivated by the monsters. Staring in awe & listening as I read every time which says something because this is definitely a long one for a 14 week old.
Even though I'm not participating in tons of events right now with PS, we still love to go to them & support local. So at Woofstock this year (super fun afternoon if you're in the Branford CT area come August) we came upon a Children's tent & chose this touchy feely board book where each puppy page has something you can pet. Coops isn't too excited to play with the textures yet, but LOVES the bright colors.
This one is hands down my new favorite; the drawings are amazing, writing is phenomenal & Cooper chats along smiling as soon as I open the first page.
What are some of your favorite reads? We love suggestions to keep building our own library, plus follow Cooper's Library on Pinterest to see our constantly updated book wish list.
We love our "1,000 Things that Go" book and "Very first book of things to Spot"