Friday, January 6, 2017

New Year's Resolutions & Dreams

Happy New Year friends!  

Cooper rang in 2017 by sleeping soundly in his room, while hubs & I camped out on the couch with take-out, games & movies.  A perfect night in for our new family of three.

I read an article recently, which I should have saved to share here but can't seem to find- we'll blame that on the mom brain, that suggested writing dreams instead of resolutions for the coming year. To forget limitations of any type- be it money, time, fear, etc. & just create this list.

At first it all seemed crazy to me, the notion of generating a list without logic holding you back. But then I started writing things down & before I knew it I'd started in on three dreams within the first week of 2017, making the rest of the items suddenly seem attainable.

Here's my dreams for 2017 list:

Take a class. (Started this during week 1 of the new year, woohoo!)
Teach a class. (Already have one scheduled for 1/25, stay tuned for info!)
Turn our house into a home with wall art, photos & a handful of cosmetic changes.
Grow Painted by the Shore into a THRIVING business.
Write a children's book (sketches & ideas already underway).
Keep that Christmas family time joy (not presents) going all year.
Work on simplifying, de-cluttering & organizing our home. Has anyone read the life-changing magic of tidying up? I just borrowed it from our library after seeing rave reviews online.

Now it's your turn! Share your dreams for 2017 in the comments below (or #dreamsfor2017).  I'd love to hear them & work together to encourage each other over the next 12 months.


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